首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam >Ribs Suppression in Chest X-Ray Images by Using ICA Method

Ribs Suppression in Chest X-Ray Images by Using ICA Method




In many developing countries such as Vietnam, Chest X-Ray (CXR) images are still one of the common tools to diagnose the lung cancer at the early phase. Early detection of lung nodules increases the chance of survival for a patient. In this study, we apply the Independent Components Analysis (ICA) to separate the ribs and other parts in lung images. First 20 files in Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT) database are used to perform the ICA algorithm, resulting in 90% of cases that the ribs are completely and partly suppressed, 85% of cases increases the nodule visibility. Two image enhancement methods are histogram equalization and Frangi filter are used as two artificially created inputs for ICA. This research also proposes the value of free parameters of Frangi filter.
机译:在许多发展中国家,如越南,胸部X射线(CXR)图像仍然是在早期诊断肺癌的常用工具之一。 早期检测肺结节增加了患者的存活率。 在这项研究中,我们应用独立的组件分析(ICA)将肋骨和其他部件分离在肺图像中。 在日本放射技术(JSRT)数据库中的前20个文件用于执行ICA算法,导致90%的肋骨完全和部分抑制,85%的病例增加了结节的可视性。 两种图像增强方法是直方图均衡,并且FRANGI滤波器用作ICA的两个人为创建的输入。 该研究还提出了Frangi滤波器的自由参数的价值。



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