
Open Data Integration: Visualization as an Asset




For several years, and even decades, data integration has been a major problem in computer sciences. When it becomes necessary to process information from different data sources, several problems may appear, making the process of integration more difficult. Nowadays, more and more information is being sent and received and is made available on the Web and Data Integration is becoming even more important. This is especially the case in the emerging trend of Open Data (OD). Integrating data from public entities can be a difficult process. Large quantities of datasets are made available. However, an important level of heterogeneity may also exist: Datasets exist in different formats, forms and shapes. While it is important to be able to access this information, it would also be completely useless if we were not able to interpret it. Information Visualization may be an important tool to help the OD integration process. This paper presents problems and barriers which can be encountered in the data integration process, and, more specifically, in the OD integration process. The paper also describes how Information Visualization can be used to facilitate the integration of OD and make the procedure more effective, friendlier, and faster.
机译:多年来,甚至数十年,数据集成是计算机科学的一个主要问题。当有必要从不同的数据源处理信息时,可能出现几个问题,使集成过程更加困难。如今,正在发送和接收越来越多的信息,并在Web上提供,数据集成变得更加重要。尤其是开放数据的新兴趋势(OD)的情况。从公共实体集成数据可能是一个困难的过程。提供大量数据集。然而,也存在重要的异质性水平:数据集以不同的格式,形式和形状存在。虽然能够访问这些信息很重要,但如果我们无法解释它,它也会完全没用。信息可视化可能是帮助OD Integration Process的重要工具。本文介绍了数据集成过程中可以遇到的问题和障碍,更具体地,在OD集成过程中。本文还描述了如何使用信息可视化来促进OD的集成,并使程序更有效,更友好,更快。



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