
Do Flexicurity Policies Work for Everyone?




The current context of global economy evolution is that many of the strategies and economic policies set up before 2008 may be difficult to implement today. Here we do particularly refer to the social-economic area and, more expressly, to the documents that are taking in the labour market and work force employment. If the first part of the new millennium, the decision maker concerns have been focused on labour market flexibility in order to increase economic efficiency and corporate profitability, in the second part of 2010, it has been called into question the issue of increasing job security. The prominence of economic globalization and the expansion of this process on the labour resources, by liberalization of labour movements worldwide, in greater or less extent throughout different regions of the world, have done nothing but complicating things even more. Therefore, can we speak about a conflict between flexibility and security in the nowadays labour market? Do we have to choose between these two? Could they jointly operate in unity? Can we talk about flexicurity in a strongly flustered economy? Are flexicurity policies equally effective for the developed and the developing countries? Here are some of the questions that we will try to answer in this paper, at least partially.



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