
Lab NMR Study on Adsorption/Condensation of Hydrocarbon in Smectite Clay




Significant amounts of gas accumulations exist in unconventional gas plays. Current understanding held that in unconventional shale plays, natural gas was stored as “free” gas in pore spaces and as an “adsorbed” phase on clay minerals and surface of organic pores material. The adsorption of methane has been confirmed in lab experiments in high-pressured gas chambers. Our lab experiments indicated that hexane vapor could be adsorbed onto organic-rich shale core samples through capillary condensation and the signal could be detected by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instruments. This study further examines the capillary condensation of hexane vapor into clay minerals and the NMR response. Smectite samples from the Clay Minerals Society were used in the experiments. Two types of capillary condensation experiments were conducted: one with water vapor and the other with hexane vapor, both at room conditions. Weight gains indicated that some of the vapor condensed in the loose powder of smectite clay. NMR experiments were performed on vapor- saturated samples using a Maran 2 MHz spectrometer with an inter-echo time of 300 μsec. The T2 distributions of the water-vapor and hexane vapor-saturated smectite clay were both unimodal. The water vapor- saturated sample showed a T2 at 0.5 ms, while the hexane vapor-saturated sample showed a T2 between 1 and 6 ms. This was likely due to the fact that the smectite crystallites have a small charge that has a more pronounced effect on polarized molecules such as water, than on non-polarized molecules such as hexane.
机译:非常规气体扮演中存在大量的气体累积。目前的理解认为,在非传统的页岩剧中,天然气在孔隙空间中储存为“自由”气体,作为粘土矿物和有机孔材料表面的“吸附”相。在高压气室的实验室实验中证实了甲烷的吸附。我们的实验室实验表明,己烷蒸气可以通过毛细冷凝被吸附到富含有机物页岩岩心样品和信号可以通过核磁共振(NMR)仪器来检测。该研究进一步研究了己烷蒸汽的毛细管缩合到粘土矿物质和NMR反应中。来自粘土矿物学会的蒙脱石样品在实验中使用。进行两种类型的毛细血管缩合实验:在室内条件下具有水蒸气,另一种己烷蒸气。重量增益表明,一些蒸汽在蒙脱石粘土的松散粉末中凝聚。使用Maran 2 MHz光谱仪对蒸汽的样品进行NMR实验,其回波时间为300μSEC。水蒸气和己烷蒸汽饱和蒙脱石粘土的T2分布均为单峰。水蒸气饱和样品在0.5ms下显示T2,而己烷蒸气饱和样品在1至6ms之间显示出T2。这可能是因为蒙脱石结晶具有小的电荷,其对偏振分子(如水)具有比在己烷如己烷的非极化分子上更明显的效果。



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