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Specular color imaging on a metallic substrate




We propose a full reproduction workflow for printing color images on metallic substrates. It relies on an ink spreading enhanced cellular Yule-Nielsen modified spectral Neugebauer model, calibrated with 35 color samples printed on the metal film and measured under specular reflection. The calibration accounts for the different phenomena contributing to the reflectance of halftone prints on metal: specular reflection by the metal film substrate of light traveling across the inks, illumination and viewing geometry, shadowing effect induced by the ink and difference in surface structure between the inked and non-inked metal halftone elements. The model enables predicting printable colors with an average CIELAB AE_(94) error of 1.7. Thanks to the model, the metal print gamut is established and a 3D table provides the correspondence between printable metallic colors viewed under specular reflection and the corresponding ink surface coverages. The input sRGB gamut is mapped into the print gamut. At halftone image generation time, surface coverages of the inks yielding the desired gamut mapped input colors are obtained from the 3D table. These ink surface coverages yield the ink separations that are halftoned and printed. The resulting color images printed on a silver substrate viewed under specular reflection reproduce the hues at a high degree of fidelity. The luminance of metallic prints under specular observation is generally higher than the luminance of paper under the same illuminating conditions. Therefore, the printed metallic colors appear more colorful. Such metal prints are attractive for design, art and publicity. Their high brightness immediately strikes the observer and transmits the message incorporated into the reproduced picture or artwork.
机译:我们提出了一个完整的再现工作流,用于在金属基板上打印彩色图像。它依赖于墨水扩散增强的蜂窝尤拉 - 尼尔森改性光谱新果树模型,用35个颜色样品印在金属膜上并在镜面反射下测量。校准占不同现象的不同现象,贡献了半色调印花的金属上的反射:镜面膜基板的镜面反射穿过油墨,照明和观察几何形状,由墨水引起的遮蔽效果和墨水之间的表面结构差异和非墨水金属半色调元素。该模型使得能够预测可打印颜色,平均Cielab AE_(94)误差为1.7。由于该模型,建立了金属打印色域,3D表提供了在镜面反射下观察的可打印金属颜色与相应的墨水表面覆盖物之间的对应关系。输入SRGB Alace映射到打印域中。在半色调图像生成时间下,从3D表中获得产生所需域映射输入颜色的墨水的表面覆盖。这些油墨表面覆盖率产生半色调和印刷的墨水分离。在镜面反射下观察的银基质上印刷的所得彩色图像再现高度保真度的色调。在镜面观察下的金属印刷的亮度通常高于相同照明条件下纸张的亮度。因此,印刷的金属颜色看起来更加丰富多彩。这种金属印刷品对于设计,艺术和宣传具有吸引力。它们的高亮度立即击中观察者并将包含在再现图片或艺术品中的消息传输。



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