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Removing Outliers in Illumination Estimation




A method of outlier detection is proposed as a way of improving illumination-estimation performance in general, and for scenes with multiple sources of illumination in particular. Based on random sample consensus (RANSAC), the proposed method (i) makes estimates of the illumination chromaticity from multiple, randomly sampled sub-images of the input image; (ii) fits a model to the estimates; (iii) makes further estimates, which are classified as useful or not on the basis of the initial model; (iv) and produces a final estimate based on the ones classified as being useful. Tests on the Gehler colorchecker set of 568 images demonstrate that the proposed method works well, improves upon the performance of the base algorithm it uses for obtaining the sub-image estimates, and can roughly identify the image areas corresponding to different scene illuminants.
机译:提出了一种异常检测方法,作为提高照明估计性能的方式,以及特定具有多个照明源的场景。基于随机样本共识(RANSAC),所提出的方法(i)从输入图像的多个随机采样的子图像中估计了照明色度; (ii)适合估计的模型; (iii)进一步估计,该估计是根据初始模型进行归类为有用的; (iv)并基于归类为有用的人产生最终估计。在568图像的Gehler ColorChecker集合上测试表明,所提出的方法运行良好,提高其用于获得子图像估计的基本算法的性能,并且可以大致识别对应于不同场景光源的图像区域。



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