首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials >Urban Sustainable Development Evaluation Index System of Ecological Civilization Construction - a case study of Tianjin City

Urban Sustainable Development Evaluation Index System of Ecological Civilization Construction - a case study of Tianjin City

机译:城市可持续发展评价指标制度生态文明建设体系 - 以天津市为例



Urban sustainable development is a compound system (consisted of urban economy, social background, natural environment and urban civilization) whose core lays on the minimalization of environment pollution and the cost of natural resources without impairing urban economy and life quality. It aims to achieve a harmonious development between society, economy, environment and resource, and to keep a virtuous ecological cycle as well. Based on this theory, this paper divided the urban sustainable development system into four sub-systems, namely, economy, society, nature and civilization, with a corresponding evaluation index system set. Further, by applying entropy evaluation method, the actual level of Tianjin sustainable development was evaluated. According to research result, though fast sustainable development has been achieved, Tianjin still has the tendency to slow down, so positive measures should be taken to incent a harmonious and swift development of each sub-systems and to maintain a stable and consistent development of Tianjin.



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