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Recent Developments and Challenges in Shape Memory Technology




Nickel-Titanium-based alloys (NiTi) represent structural materials with actor and sensor functions due to their shape memory properties. This is especially useful for actuator applications, e.g. in valves or switches. A temperature sensor is no longer needed because the material can be set to exhibit the shape memory effect at a given temperature in a certain temperature range. High actuator forces and strains can be generated in a small material volume, which is ideal for the minia-turization of technical devices. Recent developments and technological challenges in shape memory technology with a focus on the research of the interdisciplinary Center for Shape Memory Technology (SFB 459 - Formgedachtnistechnik) at the Ruhr-University Bochum are discussed.
机译:镍 - 钛基合金(NITI)代表由于其形状记忆特性为具有演员和传感器功能的结构材料。这对于执行器应用特别有用,例如,在阀门或开关中。不再需要温度传感器,因为可以将材料设置为在一定温度范围内在给定温度下表现出形状记忆效应。可以在小型材料体积中产生高致动器力和菌株,这对于技术装置的MINIA-TUT化是理想的。讨论了鲁尔大学波鸿跨界记忆技术跨学科中心研究(SFB 459 - Formgedachtniknik)跨学科跨学科跨学科跨学科思想技术的发展和技术挑战。



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