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Multiple Alternative Sentence Compressions and Word-Pair Antonymy for Automatic Text Summarization and Recognizing Textual Entailment




The University of Maryland participated in three tasks organized by the Text Analysis Conference 2008 (TAC 2008): (1) the update task of text summarization; (2) the opinion task of text summarization; and (3) recognizing textual entailment (RTE). At the heart of our summarization system is Trimmer, which generates multiple alternative compressed versions of the source sentences that act as candidate sentences for inclusion in the summary. For the first time, we investigated the use of automatically generated antonym pairs for both text summarization and recognizing textual entailment. The UMD summaries for the opinion task were especially effective in providing non-redundant information (rank 3 out of a total 19 submissions). More coherent summaries resulted when using the antonymy feature as compared to when not using it. On the RTE task, even when using only automatically generated antonyms the system performed as well as when using a manually compiled list of antonyms.
机译:马里兰大学参加了由2008年文本分析大会组织的三个任务(TAC 2008):(1)宣言的更新任务; (2)文本摘要的意见任务; (3)识别文本意外(RTE)。在我们的摘要系统的核心上是修剪器,它为源句子生成多个替代压缩版本,该句子充当候选句子以包含在摘要中。我们首次调查使用自动生成的反义词对进行文本摘要和识别文本征征。意见任务的UMD摘要在提供非冗余信息方面特别有效(总共有19名提交的排名3)。与不使用时使用反义词时,使用对反义功能更加连贯的摘要。在RTE任务上,即使使用仅自动生成的反义而位,系统也执行的系统以及手动编译的反义列表。



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