首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Artichoke, Cardoon and Their Wild Relatives >Plant Arrangement and Plant Density Affect Yield Characteristics of New Seed-Grown Artichokes for Industry

Plant Arrangement and Plant Density Affect Yield Characteristics of New Seed-Grown Artichokes for Industry




A two-year experiment was carried-out in order to evaluate the effects of two plant arrangements (single vs. twin rows) and four plant densities (1.0, 1.2, 1.4, and 1.8 plant m~(-2)) on the agronomical behaviour of three globe artichoke genotypes ('Violetto di Sicilia', 'Harmony F1' and 'Madrigal F1'). The change of the cultivation format toward a high density stand allowed a significant increase of yield and yield synchronicity. The twin rows plant arrangement, although it reduced yield, increased the yield synchronicity as well. Moreover, the cultivation of both seed-propagated genotypes allowed to significantly extend the temporal availability of heads. On the basis of our results, we can assert that the implementation of a specific cultivation scheduling, based on higher density stands, twin rows plant arrangement and the integration of the traditional early genotypes with the new seed-propagated cultivars, is a promising way to match the requirements of a globe artichoke industrial crop, as well as to predispose it to a better mechanization of the cultural practices.
机译:进行了两年的实验,以评估两种植物安排(单一与双行)和四种植物密度(1.0,1.2,1.4和1.8植物M〜(-2))的影响。三个地球朝鲜蓟基因型的行为('violetto di sicilia','Harmony F1'和'Madrigal F1')。栽培形式朝高密度施用的变化允许显着增加产量和产量同步性。双排植物布置,但它降低了产量,也增加了产量同步性。此外,培养繁殖的种子繁殖的基因型可显着延长头部的时间可用性。在我们的结果的基础上,我们可以断言特定培养调度的实施,基于更高的密度展示,双排植物安排和传统早期基因型与新种种子繁殖的品种的整合,是一种有希望的方式符合全球朝鲜蓟工业作物的要求,以及使其能够更好地实现文化实践的机械化。



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