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An Interoperability Study of ESB for C4I Systems




Ever since the inception of the idea of collaborating the enterprise systems, the need of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) has been a relentless need of the market, the bigger the systems get after collaboration the failures of the ESB's was inevitable. Things moved to more gravity when the bulkiest of the systems like Defense architectures came into picture, with the advent of this not of the efficiency but also the factors like stability, reliability, resource utilization were also of pivotal importance. This paper reviews a critical and comparative analysis of the current ESB's keeping in view the C4I System as a base, so as to ascertain which ESB fulfills the requirements of the system of systems. In comparison we try to analyze Mule ESB, GlassFish ESB and Fuse ESB with respect to interoperability. This study demonstrates that Mule is more feasible to C4I systems because it is simple, easy to integrate, no adopter requirement and flexible.
机译:自成立以来合作企业系统的想法以来,企业服务总线(ESB)的需要一直是不懈的需求,系统在合作之后越大,ESB的失败是不可避免的。当像防御架构的庞大的系统进入图片时,事情变得更加重力,随着这一目标的出现,也是稳定性,可靠性,资源利用等因素也具有关键重要性。本文介绍了对当前ESB保持视野作为基础的关键和比较分析,以确定哪个ESB满足系统系统的要求。相比之下,关于互操作性,尝试分析Mule ESB,GlassFish ESB和Fuse ESB。本研究表明,骡子对C4I系统更加可行,因为它简单,易于集成,无需采用的要求和灵活。



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