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International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) in Puerto Rico: Progress Report




The IYA2009 inauguration in Puerto Rico was in January 2009. The lo-cal organizing committee includes members from the NASA Puerto Rico Space Grant Consortium, the Arecibo Observatory, the two astronomical societies of the island, pri-vate and public universities, local government agencies, and non-profit organizations interested in science education. The events are throughout the island, taking care to fa-cilitate the participation of families and youth from disadvantaged communities. All the activities emphasize the value of personal effort to achieve your goals, the importance of mathematics in modern life and the development of scientific awareness. Aligned with the IYA2009 major goals and considering the particular needs of our commu-nity, we have selected eight core activities for Puerto Rico. Three of them have been completed (Inauguration, Theatrical performance of "La Vida en Marte y otras Cru-eles Realidades", 40th Anniversary of the first human on the Moon), three of them are underway (star parties, conference series, "From Earth to the Universe" (FETTU) exhibition) and the other two are under plan for the fall of 2009. A group of volun-teer students ("Starry Messengers") are assisting in the activities. We present a project plan for the rest of 2009. The details of the Puerto Rico IYA events may be found at http://www.astronomy2009pr.org.
机译:波多黎各的Iya2009就职典礼于2009年1月。大别墅组委会委员会包括美国宇航局波多黎各空间拨款联盟,岛屿北京天文学,岛屿的两个天文社会,岛屿和公立大学,地方政府机构和对科学教育感兴趣的非营利组织。这些活动是整个岛屿,照顾Fa-Cutiate来自家庭和青年的参与,从弱势社区中。所有活动都强调了个人努力的价值,以实现您的目标,数学在现代生活中的重要性以及科学意识的发展。与IYA2009的主要目标保持一致,考虑到我们的Commu-nity的特殊需求,我们为波多黎各选择了八项核心活动。其中三个已经完成(就职典礼,戏剧性表现“La Vida en Marte Y Otras Cru-Eles earyades”,第一个人在月球上的第40周年),其中三个是正在进行的(星团,会议系列,“来自地球到宇宙“(Fettu)展览会)和另外两个是在2009年秋天的计划下进行的。一群历史学生(”Starry Mesengers“)正在协助这些活动。我们为2009年余下的项目计划提供了一个项目计划。波多黎各IYA活动的细节可以在http://www.astronomy2009pr.org中找到。



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