首页> 外文会议>Electrostatics Joint Conference >Distribution of electric potential at the surface of corona-charged polypropylene non-woven fabrics after neutralization

Distribution of electric potential at the surface of corona-charged polypropylene non-woven fabrics after neutralization




Accumulation of electric charges on insulating surfaces is frequently at the origin of severe electrostatic hazards. The best solution to this problem is to neutralize these charges by the use of AC corona discharges. The aim of this work is to evaluate the efficiency of this process in the specific case of fibrous electrets, by measuring the repartition of the electric potential at the surface of non-woven polypropylene (PP) fabrics before and after neutralization. The samples were charged for 10 s, in ambient air, using a triode-type corona electrode system of positive polarity. In all the experiments, the neutralization was performed 180 s after the charging process. In some of them, the neutralization electrode (tungsten wire, diameter: 0.3 mm) was fixed at a given distance (50 mm) above the samples and energized from an AC voltage amplifier (model 30/20 A, Trek Inc. Medina, NY). In other experiments, the samples moved at constant speed (3 cm/s) in the AC corona discharge zone generated by the neutralization electrode. The experimental results show that the efficiency of neutralization (expressed as the relative reduction of the average potential measured at the surface of the sample) depends on the amplitude and the frequency of the sinusoidal high-voltage, as well as on the charging time and the neutralization duration. Better effects were recorded in the case of the samples that moved through the corona discharge zone.
机译:绝缘表面上的电荷累积经常处于严重的静电危险的起源。对此问题的最佳解决方案是通过使用AC电晕放电来中和这些电荷。这项工作的目的是通过测量在中和之前和之后的无纺布聚丙烯(PP)织物表面处的电位的重置,评估该方法的效率。使用具有正极性的三极管型电晕电极系统,在环境空气中加入10 s的样品。在所有实验中,在充电过程之后进行180s的中和。在其中一些中,将中和电极(钨丝,直径:0.3mm)固定在样品上方的给定距离(50mm)并从AC电压放大器通电(型号30/20 A,Trek Inc.Medina,NY )。在其他实验中,样品在由中和电极产生的AC电晕放电区中以恒定速度(3cm / s)移动。实验结果表明,中和效率(表达为在样品表面测量的平均电位)取决于正弦高压的幅度和频率,以及充电时间和频率中和持续时间。在通过电晕放电区移动的样品的情况下记录了更好的效果。



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