
Usability Evaluation of BCIs




Background & Purpose. Aim of the BCIs is to give paralyzed people a way to communicate. BCIs should be considered assistive technologies facilitating life activities. Therefore, an assessment process avoiding dissatisfaction and abandonment is required. In this study we aim to assess the usability of two BCIs measuring the predisposition to and the interaction with the systems. Experiment 1. Methodology. We used BCI simulations: Language Support Program (LSP) and P300 Speller (P3S). LSP allows users to choose between two alternatives (e.g. YES/NO). P3S allows users to use a flashing matrix of characters. We tested BCIs' learnability on 6 non-disabled users through the Thinking Aloud. All users used both BCIs and they were informed about their goal, although not about how they worked. Results. The Thinking Aloud task showed that, while all users on LSP easily learned how the system works, they failed on P3S. Experiment 2. Methodology. We tested the BCIs' efficiency on 30 participants (15 on LSP and 15 on P3S) through the Copy Spelling Task (CST), wherein users are asked to write on the screen through the BCI. We administered the SUS to measure usability and the SOTU scale of the MPT to measure predisposition to technology use. Results. On CST we found that P3S users are more accurate in selecting (F_((1,28))=5,18; p=.031) and recognising (F_((1,28))=7,67; p=.01) letters on the screen. Both SUS and SOTU did not show effects. Discussion. Although improvements are required, our methodology allowed us to assess BCIs. We found that LSP is more learnable than P3S. Nonetheless, the P3S allows users to be more accurate, although with less control.
机译:背景和目的。 BCI的目的是让瘫痪的人进行沟通。 BCIS应该被视为促进生活活动的辅助技术。因此,需要避免不满和放弃的评估过程。在这项研究中,我们的目标是评估两个BCI的可用性测量易感性和与系统的互动。实验1.方法论。我们使用了BCI模拟:语言支持程序(LSP)和P300拼写器(P3S)。 LSP允许用户在两​​个替代方案之间进行选择(例如是/否)。 P3允许用户使用闪烁的字符矩阵。我们通过大声思考来测试BCIS的学报。所有用户都使用BCIS,他们被告知他们的目标,虽然没有关于他们如何工作。结果。思维大声任务表明,虽然LSP上的所有用户都很容易了解系统的工作原理,但它们在P3S上失败了。实验2.方法论。我们通过副本拼写任务(CST)在30名参与者(LSP上15个和15次上的15个)上的BCIS'效率测试,其中要求用户通过BCI在屏幕上写入。我们管理了措施测量MPT的可用性和SOTU规模,以测量技术使用的易感性。结果。在CST上,我们发现P3S用户在选择时更准确(F _((1,28))= 5,18; p = .031)并识别(f _((1,28))= 7,67; p =。 01)屏幕上的字母。苏斯和sotu都没有显示出效果。讨论。虽然需要改进,但我们的方法使我们能够评估BCI。我们发现LSP比P3更为学习。尽管如此,P3S允许用户更准确,虽然控制较少。



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