
Aspects of startling noises




In a pilot study, aspects of startling noises were investigated. For a typical synthetic broadband sound, i.e. uniform exciting noise, the influence of the following stimulus parameters on startling reactions were studied: (1) Magnitude of a level increase (5...40 dB, 10ms rise time) above a pedestal of 45 dB (2) Level increase of 30 dB for pedestals between 40 and 55 dB as well as 20 dB for pedestals between 50 an 65 dB (10ms rise time). (3) Rise times between 1 and 300 ms for a level increase of 35 dB above a 50 dB pedestal. For the parameters considered in the pilot study, the magnitude of the level increase of a rising edge was found to be crucial for the startling reaction. Rise times between 1 and 10 ms lead to similar startling reactions, which were approximately halved for 200 ms rise time. In a first approach to modeling startling reactions to synthetic noises, the increase in percentile loudness N_(5) proves promising. Additionally, to predict startling of technical sounds, the onset rate of the loudness-time function seems to be of importance.
机译:在试验研究中,调查了惊人的噪音的各个方面。对于典型的合成宽带声,即均匀令人兴奋的噪声,研究了以下刺激参数对令人惊恐反应的影响:(1)水平增加(5 ... 40 dB,10ms的上升时间)45的基座上方DB(2)在40至55dB之间的基座的DB(2)级别增加30dB,并且对于50×65dB之间的基座(10ms上升时间)的基座的20dB。 (3)在50 dB基座上方35 dB的水平增加1至300 ms之间的上升时间。对于在试验研究中考虑的参数,发现上升沿的水平增加的大小对于令人惊讶的反应至关重要。在1到10 ms之间的上升时间导致类似的令人惊讶的反应,其大致减半200毫秒上升时间。在第一种对合成噪声模拟惊人反应的方法中,百分位数N_(5)的增加证明了很有希望。另外,为了预测技术声音的惊人,响度时间函数的开始率似乎是重要的。



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