
Filtration Needs – The Future

机译:过滤需要 - 未来



The filtration industry continues to expand the limits of technologies that efficiently isolate fine particles and gases. As this development of new products has accelerated, industry has maintained a parallel course of intellectual property protection. By focusing on these new technologies and patents, many customers have ignored established technologies and failed to consider their many positive attributes. This paper will explore several areas of need within the filtration/separations industry. Beginning with the most obvious – highly selective systems, be they woven or non-woven followed by a discussion of the various media types. Finally we will spend a few minutes discussing the environments and the expected process applications for the filtration systems that are available today as well as provide a glimpse of tomorrow's new developments from both fundamental work that is supported by the science-based agencies and ongoing industrial development work.
机译:过滤行业继续扩大有效隔离细颗粒和气体的技术的限制。随着新产品的发展加速,行业保持了一个平行的知识产权保护课程。通过专注于这些新技术和专利,许多客户忽略了已建立的技术,并且未能考虑他们的许多积极属性。本文将探讨过滤/分离行业内的几个需要领域。从最明显的 - 高度选择性系统开始,它们是编织或无纺布,然后是各种媒体类型的讨论。最后,我们将花几分钟的时间讨论今天可用的过滤系统的环境和预期的过程应用,并提供了明天从基于科学的机构和正在进行的工业发展所支持的基础工作的新发展工作。



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