首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Science and Technology in Homeric Epics >The Divine Fires of Creation: Homeric Hephaestos as a Comet/Meteor God

The Divine Fires of Creation: Homeric Hephaestos as a Comet/Meteor God




Hephaestos belongs to the guardian-gods or "creators" of the Universe and functions as a pivotal force among the "proto-Hellenic" deities. This paper focuses, firstly, on the strong relationship between Hephaestos and the Pelasgian substratum of circum-Mediterranean region. The Pelasgian nuclei of prehistoric Attica remained active through the dual worship of Athena and Hephaestos and the close connection of the Athenian city-state with the island of Lemnos even in Classical Era. Furthermore, Kabeiroi, these primordial and mysterious daemons of NE Aegean, were introduced by the Pelasgians of 12th century BC, when removed from Boeotia to Samothrace, Imbros and Lemnos. According to another ancient tradition, they were children of Hephaestos and the daughter of sea-god Proteas. All the same, another striking complication arises. The Kabeirian Mysteries were celebrated yearly and were related to the element of fire. They lasted for nine (9) days, as a remembrance of the nine year period during which Hephaestos remained at the bottom of the sea.
机译:Hephaestos属于宇宙的监护神或“创作者”,并作为“原始希腊语”神中的关键力量。本文首重关注赫菲斯托斯与临床地中海的骨盆底层之间的牢固关系。通过雅典娜和赫菲斯托斯的双重崇拜和雅典城市状态与Lemnos岛的紧密联系,史前阿提卡的佩拉西核核心仍然活跃,即使在古典时代,雅典城市状态与莱慕岛的联系。此外,Kabeiroi,这些原始和神秘守护者的Ne Aegean是由12世纪的BC的Pelasgians引入,当时从Boeotia删除到Samothrace,Imbros和Lemnos时。根据另一个古老的传统,他们是Hephaestos的孩子和海神蛋白的女儿。一切都是相同的,出现了另一个引人注目的并发症。 Kabeirian Modsties每年庆祝,与火的元素有关。他们持续了九(9)天,作为九年期间的纪念,其中赫菲斯托斯仍然在海底。



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