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Technology Gap among Suppliers and Pop Mom Stores as a Key Distribution Cost Issue




A Pop & Mom Store segment of around 450 000 business is an important market for large Multinational Corporations and medium size firms involved in the retail goods production business in Mexico. As large and medium size suppliers are fully integrated to technology based processes, and working under supply chain management practices, in the distribution side of the value chain are the Pop & Mom stores representing an important economic group of business with asymmetries in regard of the adoption of basic Information Technology to align with their business parties. Little is known about the challenges faced by Pop & Mom stores in developing countries to integrate Information Technology components to their business processes such as suppliers and inventory management. Results of a study conducted in a middle size city in the Northeast Region of Mexico suggest that due to the technology gap existing among them and their large suppliers, increasing distribution costs are threatening the survival of this business model while suppliers are focusing their attention on the convenience stores model operating upon technology based processes.
机译:大约450 000商业的流行和妈妈店铺部分是墨西哥零售商品生产业务涉及的大型跨国公司和中型公司的重要市场。由于大中大小供应商完全集成到基于技术的工艺,并在供应链管理实践下工作,在价值链的分配方中,是一个波普&妈妈商店,代表了一个重要的经济群体,在采用方面的不对称基本信息技术与他们的商业缔约方对齐。对于发展中国家的POP&MOM商店所面临的挑战众所周知,将信息技术组件整合到其业务流程,如供应商和库存管理。在墨西哥东北地区的中等城市中进行的研究结果表明,由于它们及其大型供应商中存在的技术差距,增加的分销成本威胁到这一商业模式的生存,而供应商将注意力集中在便利店在基于技术的过程中运行的模型。



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