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Online Social Networking and Older Internet Users: A UK Perspective




Globally broadband and Internet availability within households across the world has made ICT become an essential part of everyday life. Consequently, this has led to novel social computing practices and collaboration tools such as Web 2.0 Online Social Networks (OSNs). However, this growth of OSNs is far less prevalent within older Internet users. Therefore, the aim of this research-in-progress paper is to develop a conceptual framework based on leading Information Systems (IS) theories to identify and explain older individuals' adoption and usage patterns and behavior toward OSNs. Future directions, limitations and conclusions are also provided within this paper. Contributions to academia are viewed to be a framework that allows an understanding of OSNs adoption, use and diffusion patterns. As OSN use impacts all Internet users, industry will benefit from a theoretically formed framework that can be used to assist online collaboration providers include older Internet users in the existing widespread OSN phenomena.
机译:世界各地的家庭中的全球宽带和互联网可用性使ICT成为日常生活的重要组成部分。因此,这导致了新颖的社交计算实践和协作工具,如Web 2.0在线社交网络(OSN)。然而,奥斯人的这种增长在较旧的互联网用户内的普遍性远不太普遍。因此,该研究的目的是基于领先信息系统(IS)理论的概念框架来识别和解释老年人的采用和使用模式以及对OSNS的行为的概念框架。本文还提供了未来的方向,限制和结论。对学术界的贡献被认为是一个框架,允许了解OSN采用,使用和扩散模式。由于OSN使用影响所有互联网用户,行业将受益于理论上形成的框架,该框架可用于帮助在线协作提供商包括现有广泛的OSN现象中的旧互联网用户。



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