
The 3-D Moisture Structure of Quasi-Biweekly Mode Revealed by AIRS




Using the humidity profiles from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) data set, rainfall from TRMM GPI and winds from QSCAT as well as SST from Aqua/AMSR_E, We analyze the structure of summer quasi biweekly mode (QBM) over western Pacific region in 2003-2004. We find that the signal of 10-20d oscillation in western Pacific originates from Philippine Sea, which propagates northwestward to south of China. The AIRS data reveal much larger tropospheric moisture perturbations than those depicted in ECMWF analysis. It also reveals that the boundary-layer moisture leads the mid-troposphere moisture during the QBM propagation. The positive SST anomaly may play an important role to moistening the boundary-layer, which preconditions the QBM propagation. Therefore, the 10-20d SST anomaly could positively feed back to the atmosphere through moistening the boundary layer, destabilizing the troposphere, and contributing to the northwestward propagation of the QBM in western North Pacific. On the other hand, the salient feature that the boundary-layer moisture anomaly leads mid-troposphere moisture does not exist in ECMWF analysis.
机译:利用来自大气红外发声器(AIRS)数据集的湿度曲线,从QSCAT的TRMM GPI和SST的降雨以及来自Aqua / AMSR_E的SST,我们在2003年分析了西太平洋地区夏季拟南地区的结构夏季季米米(QBM)的结构2004年。我们发现西太平洋10-20D振荡的信号来自菲律宾海,该海在西北地区传播到中国以南。 Airs数据揭示了比ECMWF分析中所示的更大的对流层湿润。它还揭示了边界层水分在QBM繁殖期间引发了中层水分。阳性SST异常可能在润湿边界层的重要作用,这是QBM传播的前置边界层。因此,10-20D SST异常可以通过润湿边界层,使对流层稳定,并有助于QBM在北太平洋西部QBM的西北传播。另一方面,在ECMWF分析中,边界层水分异常引入中层水分的突出特征不存在。



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