
The Myth of Alignment




Colloquially, myth denotes a widely held belief that is fictional or erroneous. Its anthropological usage, however, does not carry the same pejorative charge: myths are simply conceptual schemata, embodying core metaphysical concepts and moral wisdom. It is in this latter sense that I dub alignment as a myth; not to question its factuality (a nonsensical property in the case of a belief) but to highlight and interrogate the cultural work that it does (Stillman, 1985). Barthes (1973) defines myth as a type of speech, a “second order semiological system” of signs drawn from the medium of language in which their original meanings are modified to suit the myth-building role. Any elementary linguistic object (the definition is broad, encompassing visual imagery as well as language) can be symbolically coopted as raw material by the mythical system. Barthes uses a cover page of Paris Match depicting a French negro soldier saluting the tricolour as an exemplar. Beyond the naive meaning, the second-order mythical signification is easily read: “France is a great Empire, that all her sons, without colour discrimination, faithfully serve under her flag...” (Barthes 1973, p. 116). Other symbols conveying the same underlying idea may readily be imagined. Through a matrix of such varied forms, the myth of French colonialism as a beneficent force is constituted.
机译:俗语,神话表示广泛持有的信念,这是虚构的或错误的。然而,它的人类学用法不携带相同的Pejorative费用:神话是简单的概念模式,体现了核心形而上学概念和道德智慧。这是在后一种意义上,我将调整为一个神话;不要质疑其事实(在信仰的情况下是一个荒谬的财产),而是突出并审查它所做的文化工作(仍然是1985年)。 Barthes(1973)将神话定义为一种言论,从语言媒介绘制的标志的迹象是一种言语,其中他们的原始含义被修改以适应神话建设的作用。任何基本语言对象(定义都是广泛的,包括视觉图像以及语言)可以象征性地被神话系统作为原材料。 Barthes使用巴黎匹配的封面,描绘了法国黑人士兵作为示例致敬的王子。除了天真的含义外,二阶神话意义很容易阅读:“法国是一个伟大的帝国,所有的儿子,没有颜色歧视,忠实地在她的旗帜下服务......”(Barthes 1973,第116页)。可以容易地想象传达相同的底层思想的其他符号。通过这种多种形式的矩阵,作为益处力的法国殖民主义的神话是构成的。



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