首页> 外文会议>International symposium on status of Pacific Salmon and their role in North Pacific marine ecosystems >Regional Diversity of Juvenile Pink Salmon Diet in Autumn in the Bering, Okhotsk and Japan Seas

Regional Diversity of Juvenile Pink Salmon Diet in Autumn in the Bering, Okhotsk and Japan Seas




Regional variability in the diet of juvenile pink salmon was studied in the Bering, Okhotsk and Japan seas during the autumn of 2002-2004. During this time young pink salmon preyed mainly upon ichthyo- and mero-plankton in the eastern Bering Sea. In the Okhotsk, western Bering and northwestern Japan seas the most frequently occurring prey items in the juvenile pink salmon diet were planktonic crustaceans: hyperiids (Themisto pacifica, T. libellula and Primno macropa), euphausiids (Thysanoessa longipes), copepods (Neocalanus plum-chrus) and pteropods (Limacina helicina). Other food organisms (irrespective of their high biomass in the pelagic plankton community) were of secondary importance or would only occur occasionally in fish stomachs. We suspect that food habits of juvenile pink salmon were associated with the accessibility of forage groups in the habitat strata of juvenile pink salmon. In the upper epipelagic layer (0-50 m), the biomass of zooplankton (particularly copepods and euphausiids) increased at night due to vertical migrations from deeper layers, while hyperiids and pteropods (small- and medium-size L. helicina) were present in dense aggregations in the surface layer during day and night hours. However, juvenile pink salmon consumed prey mainly during daylight hours. Thus, juvenile pink salmon preyed upon plankton groups and species that were more abundant in habitat strata of juvenile pink salmon during daylight hours.
机译:在2002 - 2004年秋天,研究了少年粉红色鲑鱼饮食中的区域变异性。在这段时间内,年轻的粉红色三文鱼主要捕食着在东部白发大海的ICHTHYO-和Mero-Plankton。在Okhotsk,Western Bering和日本西北部海洋中,少年粉红鲑鱼饮食中最常见的猎物物品是浮游生物甲壳类动物:Hypidiats(Themisto Pacifica,T. Libellula和Primno Macropa),Euphausiids(Thysanoessa Longipes),Copepods(Neocalanus plum- Chrus)和Pteropods(Limacina Helicina)。其他食物生物(无论骨盆浮游生物群落中的高生物量如何)都具有次要的重要性,或者只会偶尔发生鱼肚。我们怀疑少年粉红鲑鱼的食物习惯与少年粉红色鲑鱼栖息地层的饲养群的可达性有关。在上齿膜上层(0-50米)中,由于来自更深层的垂直迁移,Zooplankton(特别是Copepods和Euphausiids)的生物量增加,而过度的迁移(较深的迁移)存在存在过硫酸和翼片(小型和中等大小的L. Helicina)在白天和夜间的表面层中的致密聚集。然而,少年粉红色三文鱼消耗猎物,主要在白天。因此,少年粉红色三文鱼捕食浮游生物团体和在白天粉红鲑鱼的栖息地栖息地栖息地的种类。



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