
Photonic device particle accelerators and light sources




Laser-driven particle acceleration is revealing itself as a very promising future alternative to RF particle acceleration. The concept of this acceleration technology is to employ a photonic structure that controls an electromagnetic wave in such a way as to produce a continuous acceleration force along the electron beam trajectory. The electrons travel in a vacuum space, which eliminates scattering from matter and degradation of the particle beam. In contrast to RF accelerators the wavelength of the accelerating field is reduced by almost 5 orders of magnitude to the visible or near infrared, which is readily available from efficient tabletop lasers and allows the use of dielectric materials that can sustain peak electric fields of 10{sup}10 V/m from 100 fsec near-infrared laser pulses. We have carried out a proof-of-principle experiment that demonstrates laser driven particle acceleration in an unambiguous fashion and verifies the relevant physics aspects [1]. Following this milestone we have explored various dielectric accelerator architectures and found a very simple grating-based geometry that is suitable for sub-100 fsec laser pulses and can be powered by a free space plane wave [2]. Time-domain electromagnetic simulations suggest that the optical phase of the field with respect to the particle beam determines whether the structure functions as an accelerator or as a deflection device.
机译:激光驱动的粒子加速度显示出作为RF粒子加速的非常有前途的未来替代方案。该加速技术的概念是采用光子结构,其以这种方式控制电磁波,以便沿着电子束轨迹产生连续的加速力。电子在真空空间中行进,从而消除了物质的散射和粒子束的劣化。与RF加速器相比,加速场的波长在可见或近红外线的情况下减少了几乎5的数量级,其易于高效的桌面激光器获得,并允许使用可以维持10峰电场的介电材料{来自100个FSEC近红外激光脉冲的SUP} 10 V / m。我们已经进行了一个原则上的实验,以一种明确的方式表现出激光驱动的粒子加速度,并验证相关物理方面[1]。在这个里程碑之后,我们已经探索了各种介电加速器架构,并发现了一个非常简单的光栅基几何形状,适用于Sub-100 FSEC激光脉冲,并且可以由自由空间平面波供电[2]。时域电磁模拟表明,关于粒子束的场的光学相决定了结构是否用作加速器或偏转装置。



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