
Developing a Physiatry Residency Curriculum




There is no universally agreed upon physiatry residency curriculum. Each training program develops its own curriculum based upon the requirements of its' training accrediting organization and its certification board, as well as the expertise and interest of its faculty and in some cases, chapters from various textbooks. The heart of the didactic training program is an 18-month curriculum, which covers all aspects of the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Residents are excused from all clinical duties to attend didactic lectures, which are held every Wednesday morning from 8am - noon. For the first 2 weeks of the year, the Rl residents are in the Orientation to PM&R lecture series, from 8am - noon Wednesday. The purpose of this course is to give the incoming residents a broad overview of topics that they will encounter during their first few months of residency training. During this time, the R2 and R3 residents are learning advanced EMG material. We then have all residents together for the rest of the year, for the regular Didactic Series.
机译:没有普遍同意的物理数据库居留课程。每个培训计划根据其“培训认可组织及其认证委员会的要求,以及其教师的专业知识和利益以及在某些情况下,从某些情况下,来自各种教科书的章节。教学培训计划的核心是一个18个月的课程,涵盖了物理医学和康复领域的各个方面。居民从所有临床职责都被原谅,参加教学讲座,每个星期三早上8点 - 中午举行。在今年的前2周,RL居民处于下午8点 - 中午的PM&R讲座系列的方向。本课程的目的是向入境居民提供广泛的课题概述,他们将在其前几个月的居住培训期间遇到。在此期间,R2和R3居民正在学习先进的EMG材料。然后,我们将所有居民在一起在一年中的剩余时间,以定期教学系列。



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