首页> 外文会议>World Congress on In Vitro Maturation >Abnormal Cervical Cytology in Infertile Women Eligible for IVF/ET

Abnormal Cervical Cytology in Infertile Women Eligible for IVF/ET

机译:不育妇女的异常宫颈细胞学有资格获得IVF / et



The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of abnormal cervical cytology findings and the occurrence of HPV infection among 167 infertile women eligible for IVF/ET. Cervical smears analyzed for abnormal cytology findings and cytologically determined HPV infections were retrospectively studied. Furthermore, pregnancy rates among those women were established. The incidence of abnormal cervical cytology findings amounted to 19.1%. Among all abnormal cervical cytology findings, 75% referred to LSIL, and 25% to HSIL. In total 50% of patients with diagnosed LSIL were HPV positive. The pregnancy rate in this group was 29.1%. Among patients with diagnosed HSIL, 75% were HPV positive with none achieved pregnancy. Patients with LSIL have more favorable IVF treatment outcome in comparison with patients with HSIL.
机译:本研究的目的是估算宫颈细胞学发现的异常患病率以及符合IVF / ET条件的167名不孕妇女中HPV感染的发生。回顾性研究了对异常细胞学发现分析的宫颈涂片和细胞学确定的HPV感染。此外,建立了这些妇女的怀孕率。异常宫颈细胞学发现的发生率为19.1%。在所有异常的宫颈细胞学发现中,75%称为LSIL,25%至HSIL。总共50%的诊断患者的LSIL是HPV阳性。该组的妊娠率为29.1%。在诊断出患者中,75%是HPV阳性,没有妊娠。与HSIL患者相比,LSIL患者具有更有利的IVF治疗结果。



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