
Adventitious Agent Test Methods




Each manufacturer of viral vaccines characterizes the cell substrate used in production. This characterization involves defining the history of isolation and banking, growth characteristics, karyology, identity (e.g. iso-enzyme analysis), tumori-genicity, and freedom from adventitious agents [1-3]. Adventitious agent tests include bacterial and fungal sterility (as promulgated in 21 CFR 610.12), mycoplasma (cultivatable and non-cultivatable; and, in the case of insect cells, spiroplasma), mycobacteria (animals and/or culture), viruses (by in vitro and in vivo methods) including acute (lytic, haemadsorbing, haemagglutinating) and latent (e.g. retroviruses or other oncogenic viruses), specific tests for retroviruses, other agent-specific tests (primarily polymerase chain reaction-based), and tests for bovine and porcine agents (as promulgated in 9 CFR 113). In addition, bovine-derived materials used in production should be sourced from countries in which BSE is neither known to exist nor which represent an undue risk for BSE because their import requirements are less restrictive than would be acceptable for import into the U.S. (as listed in 9 CFR 94.18). If the passage history of the cell substrate did not carefully document the sourcing of bovine-derived materials used in cultur-ing or if sourcing was from countries that have subsequently been identified to have a risk of BSE, risk assessment may be necessary to address this theoretical potential risk. It is important to note that not all tests are necessary for all substrates and a testing regimen should be selected considering the donor history and tissue source of the substrate, its passage history (exposure to animal-derived or human-derived materials), banking strategy, and intended use. So, for example, a master cell bank of a human or simian cell substrate should be tested for bovine or porcine viruses if, during its passage history, animal-derived (bovine or porcine) materials were used which were not adequately controlled for adventitious agents or not documented appropriately for such control. However, careful quality control of raw materials used during manufacturing might preclude inclusion of bovine or porcine virus tests on a lot-by-lot basis once the cell bank has been demonstrated to be free of such agents.
机译:病毒疫苗的各制造商在表征生产中使用的单元基板。该表征涉及定义从外来因子[1-3]隔离和银行,生长特性,核型,身份(例如异酶分析),tumori-原性,和自由的历史。外来因子测试包括细菌和真菌无菌性(如颁布21 CFR 610.12),支原体(耕种和非耕种;以及,在昆虫细胞中,螺原体的情况下),分枝杆菌(动物和/或培养物),病毒(由在体外和体内方法),包括急性(裂解,haemadsorbing,血细胞凝集)和潜(例如逆转录病毒或其它致癌病毒),逆转录病毒的特定测试,其他病原体特异性试验(主要是聚合酶链反应为基础的),以及牛测试和猪剂(如CFR 113颁布9)。此外,在生产中使用的牛衍生的材料应与其中BSE既不已知存在也不代表为BSE的不适当的风险,因为他们的输入要求限制小于将用于导入到美国可接受的国家来源(如列出在9 CFR 94.18)。如果电池基板的传代史并没有仔细记录在文化性,ING或者采购是从后来被鉴定为具有疯牛病危险的国家使用的牛源性材料的采购,风险评估,可能有必要解决这个理论上的潜在风险。这是要注意,并非所有的测试是必要的所有底物和测试方案的选择要考虑衬底的供体的历史和组织来源,其传代史(暴露于动物衍生的或人衍生的材料),银行业策略重要和预期用途。因此,例如,人或类人猿电池基板的主细胞库应当用于牛或猪病毒测试了,它的传代史,动物来源(牛或猪的)过程中所使用的材料,其没有得到充分控制不定剂或不为这种控制适当地记录。然而,在很多逐很多基础一旦细胞库的制造牛或猪的病毒测试可能排除包括过程中使用的原材料的严格的质量控制已经被证明是没有这种药。



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