首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science >Absolute Bandwidth Scheduling via Group-based Partitioned Proportional Share Scheduling and Dynamic Weight Management on Varying-Speed Multiprocessors

Absolute Bandwidth Scheduling via Group-based Partitioned Proportional Share Scheduling and Dynamic Weight Management on Varying-Speed Multiprocessors




For the past few years there has been an increase in the use of compute intensive applications running on high-performance embedded systems based on multi-core platforms. These applications demand an absolute share of CPU bandwidth to guarantee a certain level of QoS (Quality of Service) and fulfil their timing constraints. Unfortunately, traditional proportional share or priority scheduling algorithms employed in general purpose operating systems are not able to provide an absolute share of processor resources for such time sensitive tasks. In this paper, we present an absolute bandwidth scheduling scheme which aims at providing an absolute share of CPU bandwidth to groups of soft real-time tasks regardless of the work load conditions and varying speeds of CPU. The proposed scheme provides a mechanism of CPU bandwidth allocation for groups of soft-real time tasks by dynamically changing the overall weight of the group while maintaining the proportion of share of each task in the group. Our proposed approach works on top of a traditional proportional share scheduler and does not require any modifications to the kernel layer. To demonstrate the effectiveness and the correctness of our scheme, we have implemented a prototype using Linux cgroups and the existing completely fair scheduler (CFS). A series of experiments are conducted to prove that each soft real-time task in the group maintains its required absolute bandwidth.
机译:在过去的几年里,在基于多核平台的高性能嵌入式系统上运行的计算密集型应用程序一直在增加。这些应用需要CPU带宽的绝对份量,以保证一定程度的QoS(服务质量)并满足其时序约束。遗憾的是,通用操作系统中使用的传统比例分享或优先调度算法无法为这种时间敏感任务提供处理器资源的绝对份额。在本文中,我们提出了一种绝对带宽调度方案,其目的在于提供CPU带宽的绝对份额,无论工作负载条件和CPU的不同速度如何,都可以提供软实时任务的组。所提出的方案通过动态地改变组的总重量,为软实时任务组提供CPU带宽分配的机制,同时保持组中每个任务的共享比例。我们所提出的方法在传统的比例共享计划程序之上,不需要对内核层的任何修改。为了展示我们计划的有效性和正确性,我们使用Linux CGroups和现有的完全公平调度程序(CFS)实现了一种原型。进行了一系列实验以证明该组中的每个软实时任务维护其所需的绝对带宽。



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