首页> 外文会议>International Federation of Library Associations General Conference and Council >Overview of Norwegian public libraries and their services to children and young adults - and some challenges for the future

Overview of Norwegian public libraries and their services to children and young adults - and some challenges for the future

机译:挪威公共图书馆及其对儿童和年轻人服务的概述 - 以及未来的一些挑战



For more than two hundred years Norway has had a public library system open to all. The first reading societies (Leseselskap) were established in the 18th century and were founded on the belief in knowledge and reason fostered by the Age of Enlightenment. Libraries were granted financial support from the government as early as 1851.During the early years of the 20th century separate sections for children and young people were set up by public libraries in the larger towns. Norwegian librarians were initially trained in the USA and consequently brought back certain ideas with regard to library services. The American model from the 1880s placed the emphasis on children's departments as a pedagogic, social and cultural initiative. Literature was presented in an active way through story-telling sessions and exhibitions.



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