
GM Nation? - Lessons learnt from the public debate

机译:通用通用汽车? - 从公众辩论中吸取的经验教训



Over the summer of 2003, a public debate on the commercialisation of GM crops took place in the UK. This was the first large scale exercise to involve the public in a deliberative process about matters of science and policy, and represented a consequence of the government's emphasis on stakeholder involvement. Subsequent analysis of the debate process has concluded that it was flawed in a number of respects, an inevitable consequence, perhaps, of the novelty and scale of the exercise. Here, we outline the different components of the debate, and discuss three elements which have proved controversial: 1) provision of information to inform the debate; 2) representativeness of participants; 3) presentation of the debates results. We conclude that experts and those involved in the media should work together to play a key role in societies future debates.
机译:在2003年夏天,关于GM庄稼商业化的公开辩论在英国举行。这是第一个让公众参与关于科学和政策问题的审议过程的大规模练习,并代表了政府强调利益攸关方参与的结果。随后对辩论进程的分析得出结论认为,它的一系列尊重是有缺陷的,这是一个不可避免的后果,也许是行使的新颖性和规模。在这里,我们概述了辩论的不同组成部分,并讨论了三个已经证明有争议的要素:1)提供信息以通知辩论; 2)参与者的代表性; 3)介绍辩论结果。我们得出结论,专家和参与媒体的专家应该共同努力在社会未来辩论中发挥关键作用。



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