
Speaker Recognition Against Utterance Variations




A speaker model in speaker recognition system is to be trained from a large data set gathered in multiple sessions. Large data set requires large amount of memory and computation, and moreover it's practically hard to make users utter the data in several sessions. Recently the incremental adaptation methods are proposed to cover the problems. However, the data set gathered from multiple sessions is vulnerable to the outliers from the irregular utterance variations and the presence of noise, which result in inaccurate speaker model. In this paper, we propose an incremental robust adaptation method to minimize the influence of outliers on Gaussian Mixture Model based speaker model. The robust adaptation is obtained from an incremental version of M-estimation. Speaker model is initially trained from small amount of data and it is adapted recursively with the data available in each session. Experimental results from the data set gathered over seven months show that the proposed method is robust against outliers.



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