首页> 外文会议>Symposium of the British Crop Protection Council >Ragweed, a new European biological air and soii pollutant: a call to the European Community for help to prevention of ragweed allergenic disease, a necessity of improving the quality of life of a wide

Ragweed, a new European biological air and soii pollutant: a call to the European Community for help to prevention of ragweed allergenic disease, a necessity of improving the quality of life of a wide




Common ragweed (Ambrosia arlemisiifolia) is an annual plant, probably originating from North America. It was first recorded in Europe in botanical writings in the mid-1800s. The weed has begun spreading through Europe only recently, and since the 1960s in France around Lyon. In France, common ragweed is invasive; other species of Ambrosia are rare and not considered as problematic. Large quantities of highly allergenic pollen are produced by the plant, causing severe hayfever symptoms in both humansand animals (e.g. dogs). Pollen counts and monitoring of the distribution of the weed (the latter using satellite technology) are currently performed, in a bid to study the ecology of the weed and extent of polluted areas. Control measures and appropriate regulations are considered of importance to overcome the problems posed by common ragweed and ragweed pollinosis.
机译:常见的豚草(Ambrosia Arlemisiifolia)是一年一度的植物,可能是北美的植物。它是在18世纪中期的植物着作中首次记录在欧洲。杂草最近只开始通过欧洲传播,自20世纪60年代以来在法国周围的里昂。在法国,常见的豚草是侵入性的;其他种类的氨症是罕见的,并且不被视为有问题。大量高度过敏的花粉是由植物产生的,在人生和动物(例如狗)中引起严重的枯草症状。目前正在进行杂草的花粉计数和监测杂草的分布(后者使用卫星技术),以研究杂草和污染区域的范围的生态。控制措施和适当的法规被认为是克服普通豚草和豚草症构成的问题的重要性。



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