

机译:可再生能源的教育与培训 - 卡尔杜伊斯堡协会



Ladies and Gentlemen, The aim of this conference is to point to the need to intensify non-commercial technology transfer. Noncommercial technology transfer is not intended to replace commercial technology transfer. Nor can it. Rather, it is intended to improve the conditions for commercial technology transfer, i.e. for successful economic cooperation between South and North. We see non-commercial technology transfer primarily as the transfer of know-how; that is, as the conveying of specialist and application-specific knowledge. Yet we also see it as an exchange of experiences; that is, as a dialogue, as the provision of training and, above all, as cooperation in the field of research and development. To promote an early understanding, in both South and North, of the need for knowledge, for example, about the relationship between energy supply and climate problems, we have also included the term "education" in the title of this panel. In doing so, we seek not only to make reference to the need to discuss renewable energy (RE) sources in primary and vocational schools; by "education" we also mean the need to educate people in problem-awareness, in personal responsibility and in responsible modes of behaviour and action. We shall use a broad definition of the term "training". For us the term also includes dialogue-based measures and measures quite generally aimed at international and intercultural human resources development. Yet, for us, the term also encompasses a wide array of different types of measures, such as workshops, seminars, study trips, through which we seek to contribute to the solution of specifically analysed problems within the framework of training projects. Since IRENA is intended to play a supplementary and expanding role, please allow me to give a brief description of how we, as an international human resources development organization, plan and carry out our work. First of all, here is an important item of information. By the end of the year, DSE and CDG will have merged. Consequently, alongside technical and financial cooperation, human-resources-related cooperation will then constitute a strong third pillar of German development cooperation.



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