




Deficiency of Mn~(2+) occurs world-wide and it is one of the most important metal element deficiencies in some regions of the UK. Annually a large quantity of manganese fertilizer is required to correct the deficiency in arable crops and to allow production of expected yields. The aim of this project is to test some old wheat cultivars in UK to identify the presence of resistance to Mn~(2+) deficiency and establish the physiological basis of such resistance. If this is achieved it should potentiallyallow the genetic basis of the resistance trait to be characterized. Solution culture trials (hydroponic system) were undertaken for identifying the extent of physiological inhibition caused by Mn~(2+) deficiency in five old cultivars of wheat (Triticumasetivum) in comparison with a modern cultivar. The total absence of Mn~(2+) produced significant inhibition of growth, accompanied by normal visual symptoms of Mn~(2+) deficiency in all cultivars, however, some significant differences in performances were apparent in old cultivars. In the modern wheat cv. Claire, the reduction in growth rate and photosynthetic quantum yield, compared to controls, was 76% and 79.4% respectively. In the old spring wheat cv. Butler reductions in growth rate and photosynthetic quantum yield were only 57% and 55.7% respectively, and in the winter cv. Mega the respective values were 64% and 66%. No significant differences were observed between cultivars in respect of chlorophyll fluorescence emission or chlorophyll content.The results suggest the presence of some resistance to Mn~(2+) deficiency in the old wheat cultivars cv. Butler and Mega, which have a high efficient photosynthetic performance.
机译:Mn〜(2+)的缺乏全世界发生,它是英国某些地区最重要的金属元素缺陷之一。每年需要大量的锰肥来纠正耕作作物的缺陷,并允许生产预期的收益率。该项目的目的是在英国测试一些旧小麦品种,以确定抗Mn〜(2+)缺乏的存在,并建立这种抗性的生理基础。如果实现这一点,它应该潜在允许特征的抗性特征的遗传基础。溶液培养试验(水培系统)鉴定了与现代品种相比,鉴定了五种旧品种(Triticumasetivum)的Mn〜(2+)缺乏症引起的生理抑制程度。的Mn〜总不存在(2+)产生的生长的抑制显著,伴有的Mn〜(2+)缺乏症在所有品种的正常视觉症状,然而,在一些演出显著差异在旧品种显而易见。在现代小麦cv。克莱尔,与对照相比,生长速率和光合量子产量的降低分别为76%和79.4%。在旧春小麦cv。巴特勒减少生长率和光合量子产量分别仅为57%和55.7%,在冬季CV。 Mega各自的价值观为64%和66%。在叶绿素荧光发射或叶绿素含量方面没有观察到栽培品种之间的显着差异。结果表明,在老小麦品种CV中存在对Mn〜(2+)缺乏的抗性的存在。 Butler和Mega,具有高效的光合性能。



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