首页> 外文会议>NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Sustainable Development of the Lake Baikal Region as a Model Territory for the World" >'Castling'; A Possibility of Partial Reorganisation of the Economy of the Baikal Region for the Sake of Sustainable Development

'Castling'; A Possibility of Partial Reorganisation of the Economy of the Baikal Region for the Sake of Sustainable Development




One of the most difficult problems in the core of the future World Natural Heritage Site, the Baikal Region, is the problem of reprofiling the Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Flam (B1TP). with a capacity 16t),(X.X) tons per year. In 1990, tlie Selcnginsk Pulp and Cardboard Plant (SRT) sealed off the cycle of water consumption ami ceased to discharge waste water into the Selenga River, the major tributary otl.ake Baikal.
机译:未来世界自然遗产地区的核心核心最困难的问题之一是贝加尔地区,是重建百京纸浆和纸峰(B1TP)的问题。容量为16t),(x.x)每年吨。 1990年,Tlie Selcnginsk纸浆和纸板厂(SRT)密封了含水量的循环,AMI停止将废水放入SELENGA RIVER,The Meval Trictary Otl.ake Baikal。



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