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Quantitative wall motion coding in three-dimensional echocardiography




In 2D echocardiography, wall motion analysis is important in detection of heart dysfunction. The methods used suffer from being only approximations due to the complex movement of the heart. The purpose of our study is to use 3D ultrasound in order to improve the quantitative analysis of the left ventricular wall motion. The wall motion is calculated using the 3D Euclidean distance transform, resulting in a set of vectors normal to the endocardial surface. The endocardial wall velocity values are color coded and the surface is rendered creating a cincloop of the left ventricle with color intensities indicating the wall motion. The 3D motion coding technique allows for a precise quantitative analysis of the heart function. Infarcted areas are shown to be marked out with different color intensities due to the muscle activity reduction in that region. The 3D reconstruction improves the diagnosis by visualizing and localizing the whole dysfunctional region in relation to the rest of the ventricular structure.
机译:在2D超声心动图中,壁运动分析对于检测心脏功能障碍是重要的。由于心脏的复杂运动,所用方法仅受到近似的近似。我们研究的目的是使用3D超声,以改善左心室壁运动的定量分析。使用3D欧几里德距离变换来计算壁运动,从而导致一组正常到心内膜表面的矢量。心内膜壁速度值是颜色编码的,并且表面呈现左心室的Cincloop,呈现指示壁运动的颜色强度。 3D运动编码技术允许对心脏功能进行精确的定量分析。由于该区域的肌肉活动减少,梗塞区域显示出用不同的颜色强度标记。 3D重建通过在与室内结构的其余部分相对于其余的内容来改善和定位整个功能障碍区域来改善诊断。



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