
Extension Finance Issues




I am honored to address this session on extension financing. I will give a broad overview about the financing of the extension system in Ghana and point out similarities and differences that pertain to the system in Ghana and other countries. I shallalso point out the difficulties we encounter in financing the extension system in Ghana. Before I start I would like to talk about the importance of extension in all developing countries, despite their varied experience with extension. Policy makers haveno interest in agricultural extension, which is why it is not financed as it should be. We all recognize the contribution of agriculture to GDP in developing countries, agriculture's contribution to export earnings, and the usually large percentage of the population that engages in agriculture. We all realize that it is a very important sector and that if we want to enhance the development of our economies, it is the agricultural sector that we must restructure very seriously. To make a difference in the agricultural sector, we need to strengthen and support national extension systems. By "strengthen" and "support," I mean that we should ensure that the extension system has infrastructure and equipment for its operations. I am talking about office buildings, as extension systems at all levels — national, regional, district, and front line levels — cannot function without adequate offices. Extension officers need offices from which to operate, and it goes without saying that if they need an office they must be provided with furniture and other types of office equipment to enable them to pursue their duties.
机译:我很荣幸能够解决这一届会议就扩展融资。我将概述加纳延期系统融资,并指出加纳和其他国家涉及该系统的相似之处和差异。我会派出我们在加纳延伸系统融资的困难。尽管延伸的经验变化,但我想在我开始之前谈谈扩展在所有发展中国家的重要性。政策制定者对农业延伸的兴趣,这就是为什么它不是应该的。我们都认识到农业在发展中国家的GDP贡献,农业对出口收入的贡献,以及从事农业的通常百分比。我们都意识到这是一个非常重要的部门,如果我们希望加强经济的发展,我们必须非常重视农业部门。在农业部门进行差异,我们需要加强和支持国家推广系统。通过“加强”和“支持”,我的意思是,我们应该确保扩展系统具有其运营的基础设施和设备。我正在谈论办公楼,作为各级的推广系统 - 国家,区域,区和前线水平 - 没有足够的办事处无法运作。扩展人员需要从中运营的办公室,而且毫无疑问,如果他们需要办公室,他们必须提供家具和其他类型的办公设备,以使他们能够追究他们的职责。



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