首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics >Creating a scenario design workflow for dynamically tailored training in socio-cultural perception

Creating a scenario design workflow for dynamically tailored training in socio-cultural perception




The current operational context for military personnel necessitates development of nuanced perceptual skills, including the ability to identify and interpret a range of socio-cultural behaviors and patterns of life. To develop this capacity, we constructed the Virtual Observation Suite Demonstrator (VOSD), a simulation-based training platform combining extant simulation technologies, custom software components that enable system reconfiguration and expansion, and the Dynamic Tailoring System (DTS), a custom middleware package which adds trainee-specific scenario tailoring and feedback capabilities. Constructing socio-cultural perception scenarios, then planning dynamic tailoring to support and challenge trainees at different proficiencies, requires a complex workflow that integrates: 1) instructional design; 2) story-telling and narrative representation; 3) operational and socio-cultural subject matter expertise; 4) simulation engine implementation; and 5) identification of event alternatives, parameters, and subsequent configuration for tailoring. While instructional design for scenario-based training has been explored in detail, the additional considerations required to support dynamic tailoring introduce unique concerns. Planning tailoring options requires instructional expertise on the training efficacy tightly unified with knowledge of the technical capabilities of the system, as well as attention to maintaining narrative coherence and consistency. This paper discusses the current scenario development workflow used by our team to create prototype scenarios. We also identify and describe specific challenges and limitations for authoring, and outline preliminary recommendations for overcoming these issues in the future.
机译:军事人员的当前业务背景需要发展细微的感知技能,包括识别和解释一系列社会文化行为和生活模式的能力。要开发这种容量,我们构建了虚拟观察套件示范器(VOSD),基于仿真的培训平台,结合了现存的仿真技术,可以实现系统重新配置和扩展的自定义软件组件,以及动态定制系统(DTS),自定义中间件包它增加了特定于学生的方案剪裁和反馈功能。建设社会文化观察情景,然后规划动态剪裁,以支持和挑战不同型义务的学员,需要一个集成的复杂工作流程:1)教学设计; 2)讲故事和叙事代表; 3)业务和社会文化主题专业知识; 4)仿真发动机实现; 5)识别事件替代品,参数和随后的剪裁配置。虽然已经详细探讨了基于情景的培训的教学设计,但支持动态剪裁所需的其他考虑因素引入了独特的担忧。规划定制选项需要对培训效能的教学专业知识紧密统一,以了解系统的技术能力,并注意保持叙事的一致性和一致性。本文讨论了我们团队创建原型方案的当前方案开发工作流程。我们还确定并描述了创作的特定挑战和限制,并概述了将来克服这些问题的初步建议。



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