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Evaluating the Community Structures from Network Images Using Neural Networks




Communities or clusters in a network unveil important structures of a physical or social system. Suppose a Google image search for "complex network" returns thousands of network images. Can we infer the community structures in the original networks just from these images? Traditional community detection algorithms will fail in this case because they do not work with images. We developed an approach where convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are trained to reveal community information from images of complex networks. We trained three CNNs with images of simulated networks having ground truth communities. The training process uses state-of-the-art community detection, graph drawing, and deep learning training algorithms. The trained networks are then used to predict the number of communities and the modularity score (a measure of community structure of networks) for real-world networks. We formulated these two tasks as a classification and a regression problem and used appropriate loss functions for them. The CNN models can attain test accuracy of 81% and 33.3% for simulated and real networks, respectively. This result is statistically significant as can be seen by Spearman's rank correlation of 0.77 with a p-value of 6.2 × 10~(-13) for real-world networks.
机译:网络中的社区或集群推出了物理或社会系统的重要组织。假设Google Image搜索“复杂网络”返回数千个网络图像。我们可以从这些图像中推断出原始网络中的社区结构吗?在这种情况下,传统的社区检测算法将失败,因为它们不适用于图像。我们开发了一种方法,其中训练卷积神经网络(CNNS),以训练来自复杂网络的图像的社区信息。我们培训了三个CNN,具有模拟网络的图像,其中具有地面真实社区。培训过程采用最先进的社区检测,图形绘图和深度学习培训算法。然后,训练有素的网络用于实现现实网络的社区数量和模块化分数(网络社区结构的量度)。我们将这两个任务制定为分类和回归问题,并为它们使用适当的损耗函数。 CNN模型分别可以分别达到模拟和真实网络的81%和33.3%的测试精度。这种结果是统计上的重要性,Spearman的秩相关0.77可以看出,对于真空网络,P值为6.2×10〜(13)。



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