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Study of the Effect of Waste Materials on Soil Properties




This research was carried out in order to study the effects that waste materials have on soil properties. As clayey soil has weak physical and mechanical properties, stabilizers are added in the soil to increase its strength. The waste materials were Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) and lake water (waste water). The soil index properties was determined by carrying out the physical test and compaction test. A total of 50 samples were prepared which were tested for unconsolidated undrained Triaxial test and pH test to determine its relative mechanical and chemical properties. A shear strength of 17.80 kN/m~2 was obtained for the control soil specimen of the mix of 0% of POFA on 7 curing days and the same soil specimen with similar percentage of POFA had a shear strength of 18 kN/m~2 on 14 days. Moreover, the soil specimen of 80% of POFA and 30% of tap water had a shear strength 44 kN/m~2 at 14 curing days. On the other hand, the soil specimen at 80% of POFA and 30% of Lake Water displayed a shear strength of 37 kN/m~2 on 14 days of curing was noted. The lake water was acidic at a pH of 6 while the tap water was at a neutral pH of 7. The control specimen (0% of POFA) of the mix of soil with tap water displayed a pH of 7 for all the curing days carried out while control soil specimen mixed with lake water displayed a ph of 6. The pH obtained increased in an alkaline way with increasing POFA percentages shear strength increased at a maximum pH of 11 at a soil specimen of 80% of POFA and 30% of Tap water proving POFA to be an alkaline material. It has been concluded that POFA, being a pozzolanic waste material can help in improving the mechanical property of the soil.
机译:进行该研究以研究废料对土壤性质的影响。由于粘土土壤具有弱的物理和力学性能,在土壤中加入稳定剂以提高其强度。废料是棕榈油燃料灰(POFA)和湖水(废水)。通过进行物理测试和压实试验来确定土指数特性。制备总共50个样品,用于未溶解的未溶解的不排水三轴试验和pH试验以确定其相对机械和化学性质。获得17.80kN / m〜2的剪切强度,用于对7个固化天0%的0%的混合物的对照土壤标本获得,并且具有相同百分比的POFA的土壤样品的剪切强度为18 kn / m〜2在14天。此外,80%的POFA和30%的自来水的土壤样品在14个固化天中具有剪切强度44kN / m〜2。另一方面,在固化14天的固化下,80%POFA和30%的湖水的土壤样品显示为37 kn / m〜2的剪切强度。湖水在pH的pH下酸性为6,而自来水在中性pH为7的情况下。具有自来水的土壤混合的对照样品(0%POFA)显示为所有固化天的pH为7。在与湖水中混合的控制土壤标本显示的同时呈现pH值6.以碱性方式增加pH的pOFA百分比增加剪切强度在80%POFA的土壤标本的最大pH值为11的最大pH值和30%的TAP浇水pofa是碱性材料。它已经得出结论,POFA是一种火山灰废物材料可以有助于改善土壤的力学性质。



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