首页> 外国专利> Devices for determination of reinforcing property ROOT SYSTEMS COVERING SOILS IN THE STUDY cutting areas

Devices for determination of reinforcing property ROOT SYSTEMS COVERING SOILS IN THE STUDY cutting areas



The invention relates to devices used for the study of soils and can be used in devices to determine the reinforcing property of the root systems of soil cover in the study of the cutting area during its preparation for the logging operations, planning routes skid trails. The device for determining reinforcing ability root soil coating systems for cutting areas study involving a vertical rod having a handle at one end thereof and a tip - to another, - a tip formed as a fixed perpendicular to the rod areas, on the working surface which nests mounted uniformly spaced spring loaded needle under the heels are installed normally open contacts connected in the power feeding from a single electrical circuit, comprising a digital device for counting the number of closed contacts, with the handle mounted around a wire connected with the working surface of the tip indicator scale which is graduated in percentage of closed contacts. The utility model will improve the efficiency of the device by improving its design, ensuring efficiency and accuracy of the test index and expansion of the range of indicators due to the simultaneous study of large surfaces, the size of which includes the size of the track intended to perform logging operations mover skidders and side lanes trails . The result of determination of the reinforcing ability of root systems under soil cover study cutting areas device claimed is the aspect ratio square root of the surface layer to the total soil-ground area deformable in contrast to the prior art. 2 p. F-ly, 1 ab. P.
机译:本发明涉及用于土壤研究的装置,并且可以用于在对伐木区进行伐木准备为伐木作业,规划路线滑道的研究中确定土壤覆盖物根系的增强性能。确定用于切割区域研究的增强根系土壤涂层系统的装置,该装置包括一根垂直杆,该垂直杆的一端具有一个手柄,另一端具有一个尖端,该尖端形成为垂直于杆区域的固定形式,在工作表面上在脚后跟下方安装有均匀间隔的弹簧针的巢状安装的常开触点从单个电路连接到供电中,该触点包括一个用于计算闭合触点数量的数字设备,手柄安装在与工作表面相连的电线周围提示指示器刻度的百分比,以闭合触点的百分比为单位。本实用新型将通过改进设计,确保同时进行大表面的研究来确保测试指标的效率和准确性以及扩大指示范围,从而提高设备的效率,该大表面的尺寸包括预期轨道的尺寸进行伐木作业的推土机滑行装置和旁巷道。确定土壤覆盖研究切割区域装置下的根系的增强能力的结果是,与现有技术相比,表层的纵横比与可变形的总土壤-地面面积的纵横比为平方根。 2页F-ly,1磅。 P.



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