首页> 外文会议>Conference on Geoinformation Science Symposium >MaxEnt (Maximum Entropy) Model for Predicting Prehistoric Cave Sites In Karst Area Of Gunung Sewu, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta

MaxEnt (Maximum Entropy) Model for Predicting Prehistoric Cave Sites In Karst Area Of Gunung Sewu, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta




Gunungsewu is a karstic region in the southern part of Java Island, Indonesia. That area has a various type ofarchaeological evidences including human remains, animal remains, bone artifacts, stone artifacts, and shell art ifactswhich found in prehistoric caves, that show evidence of occupation caves as sustain of prehistoric human communities.In order to enhance the future of archaeological research, MaxEnt Model used to estimate Prehistoric occupation cavesites in the karstic region of Gunung Sewu. The objectives of this research are: (1) (1) Assessing the ability of DEMAlos Palsar, Sentinel-2a images and GIS data to extract environmental parameters related to prehistoric occupation cavesites. (2) Preparing a spatial model to estimate prehistoric occupation cave sites using DEM Alos Palsar imagery,Sentinel-2a imagery, and GIS data for input model MaxEnt (maximum entropy). (3) the accuracy of MaxEnt model topredicting location of prehistoric occupation caves. Primary data consist of environmental variables and caves variablesanalyzed by MaxEnt Model. Those variables extracted from 12.5-meter resolution DEM Alos Palsar, Sentinel- 2Aimages with 10 meters resolution, and GIS data. Environmental variables assessed by several maps such as valley-hillclassification (OBIA), distance of valley, elevation, slope, aspect, distance of lineament, lineament density and distancefrom water sources. Input data used 68 location prehistoric cave sites and 8 environmental variables with AUC value of0. 715 in good performance. Modeling process results are the jackknife test, response curve of the environmentalvariables, and probability map. Based on the probability map, this research is able to obtained prehistoric cave locationdata. Therefore, the ability of MaxEnt model as a method to locate archeological sites becomes reliable.
机译:Gunungsewu是印度尼西亚Java岛南部的一个神秘地区。该区域具有各种类型包括人类遗骸,动物遗骸,骨骼工件,石文物和壳牌艺术Ifacts的考古证据在史前洞穴中发现,显示出职业洞穴的证据是史前人类社区的维持。为了提高考古研究的未来,最大模型用于估算史前职业洞穴Gunung Sewu的岩溶地区的遗址。本研究的目标是:(1)(1)评估DEM的能力Alos Palsar,Sentinel-2A图像和GIS数据,以提取与史前职业洞相关的环境参数网站。 (2)准备使用DEM Alos Palsar Imager估算史前职业洞穴网站的空间模型,Sentinel-2a图像,以及输入模型的GIS数据maxent(最大熵)。 (3)最大模型的准确性预测史前职业洞穴的位置。主要数据由环境变量和洞穴变量组成Maxent模型分析。这些变量从12.5米分辨率DEM Alos Palsar,Sentinel-2a中提取具有10米分辨率的图像和GIS数据。由几个地图评估的环境变量,如山谷山分类(OBIA),谷距离,海拔,坡度,方面,坐线距离,谱系密度和距离来自水源。输入数据使用了68个位置史前洞穴站点和8个环境变量,具有AUC值0. 715表现良好。建模过程结果是千刀测试,环境的响应曲线变量和概率图。基于概率图,该研究能够获得史前洞穴位置数据。因此,最大模型作为定位考古站点的方法的能力变得可靠。



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