
Database Programming under Labwindows/CVI Platform

机译:LabWindows / CVI平台下的数据库编程



LabWindows/CVI is one of the most commonly used automatic test system software development platforms.When developing automated test systems,a large amount of test data is often generated.How to implement effective test of a large amount of test data is a problem that is often encountered.In view of this,first introduced the relevant theory and background knowledge of database technology;then discussed how to use ODBC driver and SQL ToolKit software toolkit to operate Access database under CVl platform;Finally,a small program was taken as an example to introduce The specific code of the basic operation of the database is written under the CVI platform.The article provides a reference for the programming of the database imder the CVI platform in the automatic test system.
机译:LabWindows / CVI是最常用的自动测试系统软件开发平台之一。当开发自动测试系统时,通常会生成大量的测试数据。如何实施大量测试数据的有效测试是一个问题经常遇到。在此介绍,首先介绍了数据库技术的相关理论和背景知识;然后讨论了如何使用ODBC驱动程序和SQL Toolkit软件工具包在CVL平台下操作访问数据库;最后,采取了一个小程序作为示例要介绍数据库的基本操作的特定代码,请在CVI平台上写入。文章为数据库add在自动测试系统中的CVI平台提供了一个参考。



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