
Microstructural characterization of reactor cavity concrete




Reactor cavity concrete, a major component of LightWater Reactors (LWRs), serves as a biological shield andas a structural support. The most important agingmechanisms that affect the structural integrity of reactorcavity concrete are neutron irradiation, alkali-silicareaction (ASR), and loss of moisture. All thesephenomena reduce the strength and can generate cracks inthe cavity concrete structures. Neutron irradiation canlead to the gradual amorphization of the minerals thatform the aggregates. With time the amorphization ofminerals induces the expansion of mineral phase resultingin radiation-induced volumetric expansion (RIVE) . Ina similar fashion, ASR induces swelling in the concrete.In this manuscript, the authors will present results from aseries of complimentary microscopy techniques that canbe used to characterize the RIVE and ASR effects todevelop a more coherent understanding of how theseeffects degrade the integrity of the concrete. Thesetechniques include x-ray computed tomography (XCT),transmission electron microscopy (TEM), x-rayfluorescence (XRF) and electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD). Using these techniques in combination isnecessary to develop an understanding of the fundamentalmechanisms that lead to concrete degradation.
机译:反应堆腔混凝土,光的主要成分水反应器(LWRS),用作生物屏蔽和作为结构支持。最重要的老龄化影响反应堆结构完整性的机制空腔混凝土是中子辐照,碱 - 二氧化硅反应(ASR),以及水分丧失。所有这些现象降低了力量,可以产生裂缝腔混凝土结构。中子辐照可以导致矿物质的渐进式形成聚合。随着时间的时间矿物质诱导矿物阶段的扩张在辐射诱导的体积膨胀(rive)中。在一种类似的方式,ASR诱导混凝土中的肿胀。在这份手稿中,作者将提出一个结果一系列的互动显微镜技术用于表征rive和ASR效果对这些如何发展更加连贯的理解效果降低了混凝土的完整性。这些技术包括X射线计算机断层扫描(XCT),透射电子显微镜(TEM),X射线荧光(XRF)和电子反向散射衍射(EBSD)。组合使用这些技术是有必要制定对基本的理解导致混凝土降解的机制。


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