首页> 外文会议>International Technology, Education and Development Conference >(745)PROBLEMS OF TERTIARY EDUCATION IN NIGERIA: AN IMPEDIMENT TO EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY





One of the most enduring legacies parents and the country can pass on to its youths is education. Allover the world, education is seen and assumed to be the most veritable instrument of change, as anyfundamental change in the intellectual and social outlook of any society has to be preceded by aneducational revolution. The fulfillment of this role lies on functional education. The mandate of higherinstitutions is to develop the whole man mentally, morally and physically and to confer degrees ontheir products who are found worthy in character and learning, to enable them assume leadershiproles in their immediate and extended society. This paper recognizes the fact that in spite of thismandate, tertiary institutions in Nigeria find it difficult to provide the enabling environment for theactualization of their mission largely because of absence of quality human resource, lack offinance/funds, recruitment condition of staff, poor remuneration, dilapidated infrastructure proliferationof tertiary institutions and academics periodicals, ever increasing rate of student enrollment withoutaccompanying support facilities, lack of adequate counselling programmes, poor welfare programmes,poor time management and study habit skills, poorly planned orientation and character developmentprogrammes, poor health and sexuality programmes etc. This paper therefore investigate theperception of female and male academic staff of higher institutions and to ascertain the problems thatimpede the effective management of tertiary education in the Nigeria, in the 21st century. Tworesearch questions and one hypothesis were posed to guide the study. Data were collected from 300respondents from academic staff in different departments from two universities, namely Abia StateUniversity and Imo State University of Nigeria using a 30 item structured questionnaire titled“Problems and Management of Tertiary Education in Nigeria” (PMTEN)developed by the researcherand administered on female and male academic staff respectively, selection was done by stratifiedrandom sampling and validated by two experts and having a reliability index of 0.81. Mean on a fourpoint scale and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the hypothesiswas tested using T-test statistic. The findings revealed among others that the female and maleacademic staff perceive that corruption and lack of finance for adequate development are the majorimpediments for effective management of higher education in the 21st century. Based on the findings,the researcher, recommended amongst others that the government and education authority shouldincrease financial allocation to the education sectors and organize training sections for staffdevelopment on management of both human and material resources were made and conclusiondrawn.
机译:最持久的遗产父母和该国可以传递给青年是教育。世界各地,教育被认为是最符合最真实的变革工具,因为任何社会知识分子和社会前景的任何信誉,都必须在一个被宣传的革命之前。这种作用的实现就在于功能教育。高等永道的任务是在精神上,道德和身体上发展整个男人,并赋予在角色和学习中发现的人的程度,使他们能够在直接和扩展的社会中承担领导者。本文认识到,尽管该纳迪亚,尼日利亚的第三级机构发现难以在很大程度上为其使命的支持环境而难以缺乏优质的人力资源,缺乏恐怖/基金,员工招聘条件,薪酬较差,薪酬差破旧的基础设施增殖大专院校和学术期刊,越来越多的学生注册速度没有乘坐支持设施,缺乏足够的咨询计划,福利福利计划,较差的时间管理和学习习惯技能,计划的方向和性格较差,较差的健康和性行为计划等。本文调查了高级机构的女性和男性学术人员的思考,并确定了21世纪尼日利亚高等教育有效管理的问题。推出纺织问题和一个假设来指导研究。来自来自两个大学的不同部门的学术人员的300名,即尼日利亚的Abia Dateonyunversity和IMO国家大学的第300岁的人,使用了30件物品化的问卷,由研究员组织开发的“尼日利亚的尼日利亚的第三教育管理”(PMTEN)女性和男性学术人员分别通过STRATivedRandom采样进行选择,并由两个专家验证,并具有0.81的可靠性指数。在四点的均值上,标准偏差用于回答研究问题,同时使用T-Test统计测试的假设。这些调查结果揭示了女性和恶性生涯的遗嘱认为腐败和缺乏金融的充分发展是21世纪高等教育有效管理的主要值。基于研究人员的研究员,在其他人之间建议,政府和教育管理局应加入到教育部门的财务拨款,并组织员工培训部分,以便对人类和物质资源进行管理,并结束。



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