
Vehicle Position Determination - Using Markers and Speed Reports

机译:车辆位置确定 - 使用标记和速度报告



The use of cell phones as data-collection devices for obtaining automotive traffic-flow information provides the potential for instrumenting large numbers of vehicles at a minimal cost. Effectively incorporating cell phones as sensors in traffic-flow collection systems requires a clear understanding of the accuracy of the data produced by each cell phone. Previous experiments and field trials have typically measured the accuracy of cell-phone data at large - comparing all of the collected cell-phone reports across a given segment of the road against data obtained with traditional techniques such as loop detectors. The approach that we take in this research differs by comparing each individual cell-phone report with the known position of the vehicle at the time of the report. This paper describes the technique we used for accurately determining the actual speed and position of a vehicle at any given point in time during a test trip by using published map data, speed reports from the vehicle itself, position reports from a hand-held GPS unit with an external antenna, and operator inputs.
机译:使用手机作为用于获得汽车行驶流信息的数据收集设备的使用提供了以最小的成本仪器仪器仪器的潜力。有效地结合了手机作为交通流量收集系统中的传感器需要清楚地了解每个手机产生的数据的准确性。以前的实验和现场试验通常测量了大量手机数据的准确性 - 将所有收集的手机报告与通过传统技术(如环路检测器)获得的数据进行比较。通过将每个单独的手机报告与车辆在报告时的已知位置进行比较,我们参加本研究的方法不同。本文介绍了通过使用公开的地图数据,从车辆本身的速度报告,从手持GPS单元的速度报告准确地确定车辆的任何给定的时间点在任何给定的时间点在任何给定的时间点在任何给定的时间点准确地确定车辆的实际速度和位置使用外部天线和操作员输入。



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