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Educational influence of fathers of different nationalities in the development of the child




The results of the study of differences in the educational activities of fathers of different nationalities are presented. Based on the concept of system-activity approach, educational activity is inspected in three aspects: motivational needs, executive, control and evaluation. In the study the author's questionnaire "Features of family education", the conversation, psycho-diagnostic methods ("Motivational-requirement sphere of paternity" Y. A. Tokareva; PARI, E. S. Schaefer & Bell, R. Q.; The method of express diagnostics of complex social and pedagogical neglect of children R. V. Ovcharova), methods of statistical analysis (U-Mann-Whitney test) are used. The study involved 238 fathers of different nationalities (Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, Armenian, Azerbaijani) and their children aged 7-10 years. It is concluded that the development of the child's personality is subject to the motives of paternity, used educational strategies and rules of interaction with the child.
机译:介绍了不同国籍父亲教育活动差异研究的结果。基于系统活动方法的概念,在三个方面进行了教育活动:励志需求,执行,控制和评估。在研究作者的调查问卷“家庭教育的特征”,谈话,心理诊断方法(“亲子的励志 - 要求领域”Ya Tokareva; Pari,Es Schaefer&Bell,RQ;快速社会快递诊断的方法儿童RV ovcharova的教学疏忽),使用统计分析方法(U-MANN-WHITNEY测试)。该研究涉及238个不同国籍的父亲(俄语,乌克兰,鞑靼人,亚美尼亚,阿塞拜疆)及其7 - 10年的儿童。结论是,孩子的个性的发展受到亲子关系的动机,使用了与孩子互动的教育战略和互动规则。



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