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The Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Legal Protection on International Law and Islamic Law




The news relating to Myanmar Rohingya minority refugees attracted international attention, after hundreds of boatmen fled Myanmar and were stranded in Aceh. According to the United Nations report until December 2017, the number of Rohingya refugees reached 515,000. The number is increasing considering the conflict in Myanmar has not been resolved. In this article will examine how the protection of Rohingya refugees in the perspective of international law and Islamic law. The research method used in this paper is qualitative normative legal research method with deductive logical thinking. Based on research, it can conclude that refugee protection under international law is regulated in the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol governing the principles and rights and obligations of refugees. According to Islamic law refugee protection is contained in the QS. Al Hasyr: 9 which contains the principles and rights of asylum seekers. Whether in international law or Islamic law, the principle applied to refugees is a non-refoulment principle. This principle has become an international customary law so it must be implemented by all countries.
机译:有关缅甸罗兴亚少数民族难民有关的新闻吸引了国际关注,经过数百名船员逃离缅甸,并陷入王朝。据联合国报告称,直到2017年12月,罗兴省难民的数量达到515,000。考虑到缅甸的冲突尚未得到解决,这个数字正在增加。在本文中,将研究国际法和伊斯兰法律的角度如何保护罗兴亚难民。本文中使用的研究方法是具有演绎逻辑思维的定性规范性法律研究方法。根据研究,可以得出结论,国际法下的难民保护是在1951年公约和1967年难民的原则和权利和义务的议定书中受到监管。根据伊斯兰法律难民保护符合QS。 Al Hasty:9其中包含寻求庇护者的原则和权利。无论是在国际法还是伊斯兰法律中,应用于难民的原则是一个非事故原则。这一原则已成为国际习惯法,因此必须由所有国家实施。



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