首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Mathematical and Computer Simulation in Mechanics of Solids and Structures >The investigations of the dynamics of fracture of brittle media on the basis of experimental data and theoretical analysis

The investigations of the dynamics of fracture of brittle media on the basis of experimental data and theoretical analysis




The report analyzes the results of the experimental-theoretical investigation of the response of brittle media (fine-grain concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete, ceramic brick, gabbro-diabase and limestone) to dynamic loading. To determine the properties of the studied materials under dynamic strain rates, the traditional Kolsky method using Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) and its modification, the 'Brazilian test', were used. The theoretical interpretation of failure was based on the theory of incubation time of failure developed in the works by N.F. Morozov and Yu.V. Petrov. All the tested materials demonstrate a qualitatively similar character of failure.
机译:该报告分析了脆性介质(细粒混凝土,纤维钢筋混凝土,陶瓷砖,Gabbro-Diabase和石灰石)对动态载荷的实验理论研究结果。为了确定所研究的材料的性能,在动态应变率下,使用了使用分裂霍普金森压力棒(SHPB)的传统Kolsky方法及其改造,“巴西测试”。失败的理论解释是基于N.F中作品中发育失败的孵化时间的理论。 Morozov和Yu.v. Petrov。所有测试的材料都证明了失败的定性相似的特征。



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