
Workshop: Digital Discovery with Bootable CDs




Boot-CDs are a flexible and powerful method to assist in the whole forensic process from live examination to acquisition, searching and recovery. Linux was ever since the most popular OS for this purpose, but in some cases windows-based Live-CDs are also useful. In this workshop we present different real-life case scenarios and the corresponding live-boot-solution. Since kernel 2.6 Linux is able to create forensically sound images even of partitions/harddisks with odd sectors. But one has to be aware of a lot of other circumstances which can alter the evidence: mounting filesystems, automatic activation of software RAID arrays, using LVMs or swap-space on the target disk. A lot of Linux-Boot-CDs seem to take care of all the critical points, but in fact there are only few well documented tests available. Another problem of the ready-to-download Linux Live-CD images is the lack of support for brand new hardware. So a framework to build a custom linux-live-system with current kernel versions and packages would be really helpful. We will present grml, a Debian based live system, developed by the Austrian Debian Developer Michael Prokop and the grml team. This system satisfies all the above mentioned initial conditions and much more. Various boot parameters allow to control the behavior of the live system, e.g. the parameter "forensic", which is a shortcut for "nofstab noraid noautoconfig noswap raid=noautodetect readonly ...". Additionally the grml system can be booted from CD/DVD, USB-/Firewire-Device, Remote-Adapter (iLO, RSA2, ...), Flash-Card and PXE. In this workshop you'll learn how to use grml for forensic investigations and how to build your own live system using the grml-live framework. On some brand-new mainboards the grml system might still fail, because the chipset, especially the onboard-raid-chipset is not yet supported by the linux kernel. For these cases a forensically sound windows-based boot-CD as plan B is needed. So the workshop will present a way t- o build a forensically sound windows based boot CD using the standard Windows Automated Installation Kit for Windows Vista along with some registry modifications.
机译:引导CD是协助从现场检查,采集,搜索和恢复全过程法医灵活和有效的方法。 Linux的是自从最流行的操作系统用于此目的,但在某些情况下,基于Windows的活的CD也很有用。在本次研讨会我们提出了不同的现实生活中的案例场景和相应的现场引导的解决方案。由于2.6内核的Linux能够创建取证的图像,即使与奇部门分区/硬碟。但是,人们必须知道很多其他情况可以改变的证据:安装文件系统,软件RAID阵列的自动激活,使用LVM的或交换空间目标磁盘上。很多Linux的开机光盘似乎采取所有关键点的照顾,但其实也有只有少数有据可查的测试。准备到登录Linux实况CD映像的另一个问题是缺乏对品牌的新硬件的支持。因此,一个框架来构建定制的Linux实时系统与当前的内核版本和包将是很有益。我们将目前GRML,一个基于Debian live系统,由奥地利Debian开发迈克尔·普罗科普和GRML团队开发。该系统满足了上面提到的所有初始条件等等。各种引导参数允许控制直播系统的行为,例如参数“法医”,这是一个捷径“nofstab noraid noautoconfig noswap突袭= noautodetect只读...”。此外,该系统GRML可以从CD / DVD,USB-/火线设备,远程适配器(ILO,RSA2,...),闪存卡和PXE引导。在本次研讨会,您将学习如何使用GRML法医调查和如何使用GRML活框架来建立自己的直播系统。在一些全新的主板的GRML系统仍可能失败,因为芯片组,尤其是板载的RAID芯片组尚未被Linux内核支持。对于这些情况,需要可靠的取证基于Windows的启动光盘作为B计划。因此,研讨会将呈现方式叔Ø建设使用的Windows Vista标准的Windows自动安装工具包与一些修改注册表沿取证基于Windows的启动光盘。



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