首页> 外文会议>Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Annual Meeting >Numerical analysis of a combined quadrupole-dipole mode for acoustic logging-while-drilling reflection survey

Numerical analysis of a combined quadrupole-dipole mode for acoustic logging-while-drilling reflection survey




The after-drilling single-well imaging technique (SWI) has been successfully accepted by industry operators, especially the dipole SWI, it is becoming a valuable and challenging task to extend this technology into acoustic logging-while-drilling (LWD) measurement. A combined quadrupole-dipole measurement mode (CQD) is proposed to be applied in acoustic LWD for single-well imaging (SWI), which allows for the treatment of acoustical isolation, and might be easy to be made in quadrupole LWD practice. Starting from the SH and SV-wave radiations from an LWD quadrupole source and the dispersion and excitation properties of LWD quadrupole and dipole sources, we theoretically demonstrate the feasibility of the CQD in LWD SWI. Our results demonstrate that (1) the azimuth ambiguity can be eliminated by the amplitude difference of the hybrid datum, (2) a greater swing angle corresponds to high reflected wave amplitude, and (3) wave modes are characterized by the quadrupole cutoff frequency in LWD SWI.
机译:钻后单井成像技术(SWI)已经成功地被工业运营商接受,尤其是偶极子SWI,将该技术扩展到随钻声波测井(LWD)测量中是一项有价值且具有挑战性的任务。提出将四极偶极子组合测量模式(CQD)应用于声随钻测井单井成像(SWI),该模式允许处理隔声,并且在四极随钻测井实践中可能很容易实现。从LWD四极源的SH波和SV波辐射以及LWD四极源和偶极源的色散和激发特性出发,我们从理论上论证了CQD在LWD SWI中的可行性。我们的结果表明:(1)通过混合基准的振幅差可以消除方位模糊;(2)较大的摆角对应于较高的反射波振幅;(3)随钻地震记录中的波模式以四极截止频率为特征。



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